The New Way to - success.
- advance.
- progress.
- success.
- advance.
- progress.
Ready Made Garments sector is the key source of foreign currency and GDP for Bangladesh. Approximately 4.2 million people are dependent of RMG sector for their bread and butter. Which in turn means, millions of families financially rely on RMG sector. Apart from employment and GDP, RMG sector is much more important for the identity it creates for Bangladesh to the global community. RMG is the biggest brand name that introduces Bangladesh in the global business and trade community.
Although, so many people, country’s reputation and the entire economy are largely dependent upon this industry, the youth of our nation has very little idea about the ins and outs of this industry. Whenever spoken of RMG sector, our youth pictures Rana Plaza or similar negative instances. Its high time they knew more. Its high time they learned to hope on the most promising sector of Bangladesh economy and contribute to it.

To be the leading global consultancy firm by rendering the highest quality of professional service to all clients based on persistent commitment to excellence and to strive to earn the lasting trust of our clients by exceeding their expectations. Ascend works towards this vision by providing advice information and solutions to make a positive difference for the valued clients.

To provide high quality and professional advisory services in the field of management consultancy and sector specific consultancy in particular textile, garment, leather and jute sectors, food and nutrition security sector, engineering sector and socioeconomic sectors by ensuring business growth whilst addressing inclusive sustainable development comprising of gender, environment,governance.
Life is all about grabbing opportunities by the collar and squeezing them out till the very last drop. Make sure you do the same with your new job. Congratulations.
Always remember that it wasn’t destiny that got you a new job. It was your courage and desire to make your own destiny that pushed you forward. Congratulations.
Life has given you new challenges and a new opportunities… it is time to surge ahead, leave behind the slackers and the dummies. Go for it.